Sunday, February 14, 2010

Up to Cupid!

I missed last weeks post because we were sick on Sunday, we didn't get to go to our Stake Conference. We decided to have our own 'church lesson.' Taylan participated in the Oquirrh Mountain Temple celebration last summer and each member of the performance received a DVD copy of the performance, so we watched it! The kids had so much fun on stage, the music and dancing was amazing!

We have completed the insurance process on the water damage to the house! We now are having to repair the backside of the roof without insurance coverage! The previous owners have not used a Snow/Ice sheet and the damage is due to the lack of that coverage! CHECK YOUR ROOF! It is required by code in the state of Utah and most other states with cold weather! We started putting Taylan's room back together and should finish that room soon. The other room will be completed next and the roof will get done this spring....we are taking volunteer applications!

The kids have been off track for 3 weeks, they are returning to school on Tuesday. But we had a lot of fun making arts and crafts, games and activities. This week we made valentine cards, books, crowns and magic wands!

The FHE lesson for this week was, Faith in the gospel. Dad gave the lesson, we learned about doing good, better and best! Sometimes, when we have our prayers, scripture study or perform our callings we do good! But how can you do better and reach for your BEST! The kids helped with songs, scriptures and refreshments! We played BINGO together (I kept winning!!!)

David has been called to serve in the Stake Athletics program---Surprised? He is now gone from 530-1030 every Thursday, serving the men of our stake. Plus side? He has gotten A LOT of exercise being the referee for the basketball games.

Andi signed up for the school play and has been practicing with the choir for several months. They are doing a rendition of Sleeping Beauty titled '100 Year Snooze.' They will be performing on Thursday, Feb 18th at the elementary school @ 130 and 630. The cost is FREE, so come watch! I will be at both performances. Each performer is responsible for a costume, both last year and this year have been Renaissance era. I made Andi's costume last year and figured she could use it again. She didn't want to, but I convinced her I could alter it. Needless to say, I procrastinated, we went to DIs and found something instead!

David loves listening to sports radio talk shows and chased them down on Friday at a location and picked up 4 tix to the BYU vs AFA basketball game for Saturday. After I left work we drove to Provo, the game was over in the 1st 10 minutes, the cougs soared over the Air Force by 45 points. We went to a burger joint in Provo for dinner and had a great night!

Vday is here! David and I went to our ward Vday party on Friday night. We enjoyed a spaghetti and meatball dinner, played a game then had a Salsa Dance off! David and I were in it last year and I had SOOOO much fun! I wanted to do it again, David was not so willing, but he participated for me! We were to watch a couple perform the steps then do our best to copy them. The steps this year were more challenging then last, especially for the guys. We'll just say David did the splits! We came home with 1st place! Watch for the video on YouTube!

David got us a gift certificate to 'The Spa' in Sandy for a 1 hr couples stone massage! He asked me not to get anything because his gift was for us both, but I did anyway. He loves Michael Jackson and has wanted the 'This Is It' DVD (not much, not romantic) but he loved it! We got Janalise a Minnie doll, Bren and Andi Zhu Zhu pets and Taylan got a 'sports music' CD. We all got chocolate!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

We're Off TRACK!?!?

My girls and the boys I babysit for are off track this week! We haven't done a lot of out of the house things, but we tried to stay busy in doors. Tents were built, games were played, tickle wars were held!

We set down and talked about our FAMILY RESOLUTIONS for this new year. One of the things was adding more family time so Taylan introduced our family to game nights a couple of weeks ago and the fun continued on Sunday, we played Monopoly 2000! Another was to be more organized and clean, which is mostly going to be up to me, but I really think the kids are wanting to help. They are willing to clean up and set the table and clear the table and sweep the floor after every meal now!

We missed FHE this week, which I am sad about! We have been doing REALLY well, but we had a crazy day and it just didn't happen!

Cookie sales continue and the girls meet their goal of 250, which gets them to the cookie party. They get Girl Scout credits $10 for every 50 sold! Both girls wanted to do more, but getting out there with little ones was not as easy as I had hoped! Thanks to EVERY one who bought 1 or 26 boxes, my girls appreciate your support!

No NEW news on the house and water damage. We are waiting for the insurance company to return our calls. We need to get a roofer out here to evaluate the damage before we can continue.

I have started back to work at LHM Honda. I placed a bug in my friend and former co-worker's ear several months ago that I may be at a point where I wanted (and let's face it...needed$$$) to return to work. If something was to come about where a position opened up to think of me first. She talked to me 2 weeks ago and said they were looking to completely start a new with the receptionist positions. I told her 2-3 days a week would work out for I am now working Tu nights and Sats. I LOVED my first day back! I felt so appreciated and the new management was very impressed with my work ethic...pat myself on the back!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Back on Track

I am getting back on track!!!!!!! I hope to do more blogging as part of my journaling, I love to talk about my family and their achievements (what mom doesn't!)

We have not been the greatest FHE family, however, we have been doing FHE every week for 3 months now! Taylan, Andi and Bren all have been doing well in preparing their own assignments and understanding what should and shouldn't be a lesson. This week Andi prepared a lesson on modesty, she listed several items on paper and then we had to determine if the item was modest or not. Taylan asked Andi what her lesson was on and RESEARCHED to find a scripture that talked about it, he did a great job! Brenaya had a great activity planned....musical chairs! Janalise would get sooo mad when the music was shut off because she loves dancing and running around.

I had the insurance company back out today to evaluate our situation with the water and they want to bring the roofers out for an inspection. They found last week water still dripping from the outside of the house and found icicles IN the attic. Roof problem?!?!? I hope we don't have to tear the back of the house or the roof off to get this taken care of!

Girl Scouts are out and about! Bren and Andi are both girl scouts and are selling cookies. I took them out on the first day of sales...we hit a lot of the car dealerships where I have connections, but have yet to hit my neighborhood! I know we have a lot of girls around here selling and I hate 'bothering' neighbors if I feel like someone has already been around.....but I am planning on going around tomorrow, so watch out!

Had a fabulous time at my mother-in-laws make-up party on Saturday, it's nice to have a few hours with just the LADIES!!!! I do not like paying the cost of the products....$13 for lipstick are you kidding me, $28 for foundation...YIKES! But I did buy some youth facial cleanser for $10. That I can do! I feel like I go to these make up parties ALL the time and I know their products, policies and proceedures...I could become a rep, but like I said I can't justify the cost and would feel awkward asking others to do it.

Friday, January 22, 2010

December Catch Up

OK, I have been really bad at blogging, however, I have decided that I am going to catch up with Dec because it is such an important time of year and then I will continue to blog each week. I am going to set a goal to blog each Sunday afternoon.

Dec 3rd, my birthday was fabulous. I went to lunch with my mom and then she took me shopping for clothes. I haven't been shopping for me in.....well we will say a very long time! My husband and family took me out to dinner at Applebee's and of coarse they sang to me!

Dec 5th, Thomas Family Christmas party was JOLLY-pun intended! A nice lunch with lasagna, salad, garlic bread and desserts! Every year it is my job to gather the kids together and sing carols while we wait for Santa Claus to appear. Santa was as Jolly as ever, we are so greatful to him! After the guys play several rounds of Bball, we call it a party!

Dec 5th, the Ward Christmas party was touching. A dinner of Ham, potatoes, salad, vegies and dessert....deLISH! A play by the children of the Saviors birth. Taylan played a wise man and the girls were angels in white! Congregation singing carols always touches my heart.
Once Santa was announced the kids took off the gather their bag of goodies from Ole Saint Nick! What a Fantastic night....thanks to the activities committee and everyone involved!

Dec 6th-Reunited with my niece and nephew after a very long 2 year custody battle. My brother invited all his family over for a holiday lunch and surprised us with the children hiding in a bedroom! What joy and love filled his home that day!

Dec 11th, such a crazy day, the girls entered 2 entries each for the school's reflection contest and both girls WON in the poetry category! We attended a winners breakfast, then an assembly JUST for the kids to entered the contest and then another assembly for 4-6 graders attending the music assembly. Then annoucements made over the PA to the entire school. ALOT of unneccessary presentations!
Andi started learning to play the flute this year and she did a great job during the assembly. The flute is my favorite instrument to listen to!

Dec 12th, my nephew, Tristian was baptized today! He is a 9 year-old convert. I am always so proud of children who make a decision to be baptized, but somehow children converts make me so much more aware of the spirit! I love you T-man!

Dec 17th, I am the room parent for Andi's class and today we had the class party! Candy Cane reindeer, snowball basketball and Santa BINGO made a great day!

Dec 21-Jan 3 the kids are out of school and the weeks are filled with fun and family.

Dec 23rd-found water leaking into the basement! Called in a friend to help, found part of the problem, called the home-owners insurance.

Christmas eve-kids get PJs every year from mom and dad and get to open them on this night, we gather around a warm fire, cuddled up in new PJs with hot cocoa and read the scriptures of Jesus birth.

Christmas morn-kids wake up WAAAAY to early! We unwrapped presents, Taylan was excited to receive a bball hoop, Andi got a HSM doll house/stage, Brenaya was surprised with Polly Pocket Cruise Ship and Janalise found joy in her shopping cart and food! After a Christmas morning breakfast, we get a visit from Gpa John and Joni, who brought us an industrial mixer...LOVE IT! Gpa Merlin and Gma Debbie stop by to visit. We exchanged gifts and enjoy our traditional Christmas snack foods, BBQ smokies, crackers and cheese, cookie and brownies & drinks. Then it's off to lu-nner with Gma Nae. After more gifts and food, the rest of the night was peaceful and relaxing!

Dec 26th-was the Crawford family party (my moms siblings and children) We always enjoy games of BINGO and food! This year was a little more....well more! My grandma passed away this past year and we were all surprised with a VERY nice Christmas surprise from Gmas estate.

Dec 31st-had the insurance company over today to look at the rooms in crisis. Found an ice damn, ice and water in the walls and my storage room was torn apart! Received a check to help repair the rooms!

Dec 31st-The adults spent New Years Eve with David's family, the kids had a party at their cousins. We played WII, ate, talked, and BINGOd until the weeee hours of the morning (4:30 to be exact!) Woke up at 7:30 with Janalise, drove to Apine to pick up the kids, ended up staying until the weeee late of the night (11:00 to be exact!) Woke up at 7:30 with Janalise and headed back to Alpine for a baptism! I told David we should have just rented a hotel room for the weekend with all the driving we did! Better yet stayed at my dad's for FREE, who lives in Alpine!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Catching Up-October

This month has been a whirlwind!

Oct 8th-The elementary school had a carnival with rides and games today. The kids each got a wristband and enjoyed the evening to the fullest! Even Janalise rode on the train and bounced in the bounce house!

Oct 10th-What a busy day, I have a Family History meeting, Taylan has a football game, Andi and Daddy have a daddy daughter date activity and David and I still have to make it to our Desert Star date!!!!! It was a success!!!

Oct 17th-GIRLS NIGHT IN....I planned a girls night in with my mom, sisters and girls! We had a lot of fun! Chick Flicks, Chocolate, Mani/Pedi's for all! Thanks, I love you gals!

Oct 21st-DARN IT, my sister Tonya needs me to go get a facial for her class assignment!?!?!? I don't know if I can handle this pressure:)

Oct 22nd-Taylan had Jr High Basketball try-outs.....CONGRATS TAYLAN....we are so proud of you!

Taylan now has AM and PM Bball practice and Eve football practice!! He has been extremely tired, but keeps on pushing! He has been very dedicated to athletics!

Oct 28th-Janalise had her check up with her Ped today

Monday, November 2, 2009

Catching Up-September

I have not been on for a while........I guess not much has happened since the end of August! YA RIGHT! So keep reading!!! There are a lot of 'small' memories, but my memories nonetheless.

Taylan played with the Kearns Little League football team. They did not do well this year as a team, but I have seen amazing growth in Taylan as a player and team mate.

Andi and Brenaya signed on as cheerleaders for the league; Janalise, however, was jealous to watch them and could not stay away. I made her a copy cat uniform and she even learned some of the moves!!!! It was SOOOO cute to watch them together. They had a blast performing during the half time and holding large banners for the players to run through.

Sept 14-David and I celebrated our 13th Wedding Anniversary. We had a wonderful dinner and went to a show. I am so lucky to have a wonderful husband who has done so much for me and our family these past 13 years! I love you, babe!

Sept 19-I keep progressing with the Family History calling! I have been to a couple of meetings and participated in the fair that was hosted in our stake.

Sept 26-Went shopping in Park City's Tanger outlet stores, we bought ALOT of things and had a great day with the kids. Taylan had a game in South Summit (they lost). We went out to dinner at Subway and headed to the circus!

The Ringling Bros and Barnum and Bailey circus hit Utah! We went early and had a great time at the pre-performance show. They had the animals on display, Janalise LOVED the "zeba" Brenaya was amazed with the elephants, Andi loved the ponies, while Taylan had fun with the tigers. Indoors, they had performers in mini-shows, dress-up dressing rooms with old costumes and animal performances. The circus was fantastic!

Sept 28-I have been searching for a friend of mine from HS who was one of my bridesmaids and FINALLY I have found her on facebook. She lives ALL THE WAY ACROSS.........the street, 3 blocks away and I have not seen her in 13 years! We had a fabulous dinner together where I met her husband and 2 boys.

(I have pictures to download, yet again I AM AN IDIOT and don't know how to do it)

Monday, August 31, 2009


I first served as the primary 2nd counselor to an amazing woman, moved into the 1st counselor under the same president and a few months later I was called to be the president. I have been in primary for almost 5 years. Two weeks ago I was called into the Bishop's office, where I was told I was being released as the Primary President...I cried. I tried to not show too much emotion during sharing time that day, but the children singing made it hard.

The following day, I had a knock at my door, it was a member of the ward. She stopped by to ask for some reading material for being a primary president. I was so excited to find out that she would be taking over. I invited the soon-to-be president to my home for 'training.' I sat with her and talked her through the information I had. When she left with 'my' binder I sat in tears.

Saturday night I dreamed of my final Sunday in primary. I woke up in tears. Sunday morning came as I prepared my final sharing time lesson, I cried. When the bishop announced my name over the pulpit to release me, I cried. When my counselor talked about the children and primary during her sacrament talk, I cried. When I said my goodbyes to the children, I couldn't even talk. We had the YM and YW in primary with us for a special lesson and to see them grown was an incredible feeling, they were the ones who I started out with. To have all 'my children' in one room at a time was a special feeling that I can't ever explain. To be able to tell them how much I have loved teaching them and to let them know how special they are! I couldn't help but to cry. I cried all the way home.

Primary has been such a special calling for me. I never really attended as a child so to experience it as an adult was extra wonderful. I know the bishop received guidance from the Lord and my new calling will be a challenge for sure...... The family history consultant!