Friday, July 18, 2008

Memory Lane

I know I just posted yesterday but my friend sent this to me and I thought it would be a lot of fun.......

Memory Lane.... the tag that gets everyone involved. I got this from a friend and I thought I would play the game. Here's how you play:

1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember.

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory of you. It's actually pretty funny to read the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you. If you don't want to play on your blog, or if you don't have a blog, I'll leave my memory of you in my comments.

The good, the bad and the embarrassing all welcome.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Babies, babies and more babies

On Sunday morning, my 2nd counselor, Lisa, had her baby girl, Lilian Marie. 7 lbs 20 1/2 inches. We, the primary presidency, took her dinner on Tuesday. Lily has Jaundice and was on her way home from a doctor appointment. We only got to see this little sweet pea briefly, but we will get to enjoy her plenty in due time.

Last night I walked around our neighborhood to deliver invites to our Primary activity this Saturday. I ran into one of the women in our ward who is due to have her baby as well. She was to be induced yesterday, but was pushed back for today. Best of Luck, Susan!

My ward also hosts a mother group, which I have not been going to for various reasons or excuses, but I decided to venture out today. Holy smoke!!! Our ward sure has a lot of mothers with young children. It was a lot of fun! It gives me a chance to visit with some amazing women who I just admire so much. We talked about cooking with our children and allowing them the opportunity to learn important skills, but mostly we just chatted about whatever.

I have been trying to stay caught up with all the new births by adding them to my Excel Primary list as they are born. We have had 15 babies born in the past year, if I have added them all!!!!! That is just amazing to me. We have decided to split our nursery because of this large growth.

As the saying goes.....Babies, what a wonderful way to start life!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Life Happens

It seems there has been a lot of major events happening in our lives lately. Starting with the birth of our beautiful baby girl (which we are still trying to post pics, we have not been able to download the pictures we have on CD, neither of us are computer savy). Brenaya is starting Kindergarten this year & mom is a little apprehensive. Shandilynn is growing into such an amazing person, she tries so hard to please everyone and can be so loving beyond her years. She is venturing out on her own a little between girl scout camp and attending birthday parties. Taylan will be ruling the elementary playground this year. As a sixth grader he is looking forward to being the one 'everyone looks up to.' Talk of prom dates & a mission were a part of a conversation with Grandpa Merlin & Grandma Debbie last night.

It is amazing how life can pass by so quickly, we hold our infant in our arms and wonder why, the best part of our life, childhood passes so quickly. We can still recall the moment of Taylan's first walk along Grandma Nae's couch. Shandilynn's temper tantrum when passer-bys trampled the flowers she tossed along the bridal path for Aunt Teresa. Brenaya as an innocent 1 year old dancing on a pole. Janalise has just started to laugh with such an angelic laugh.

These are the moments to treasure; The moments that wet the eyes, warms the soul and melts a heart. Life should be enjoyed with family and friends surrounding us. They are who we should laugh with and live for.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008


Well.....welcome to the first Thomas Family blog. We decided to join the evolving world and start journaling with all our friends and family.

Taylan has been at Mill Hollow for the past three days and O boy, did we miss him. He seemed to enjoy himself, although he complained about the cold and the lack of food.

Shandilynn AKA Andi went to Girl Scout camp back a couple of weeks ago and LOVEd every minute of it, she was able to take care of the camp pets, including the horses. She was able to ride a black horse named Fiz Ban.

Brenaya is really excited to go to California in Sept and is constantly asking how many more days. We showed her a picture of the princess castle that Gpa John took. She said she wants to live there

Janalise is driving mom crazy today, she has not been on her schedule. She has been eating every 1 or 2 hours and will not sleep very long. Mom thinks the heat is getting to her and we only have an AC.