Monday, December 15, 2008

Thomas Family Christmas

We celebrated the Christmas Holidays with the Thomas Family. This is a tradition that has happened for years. However, this year was extremely difficult as this is the first Christmas without Grandma Gloria. We celebrated her memory with a moment of silence. Just before her passing she finished the gifts that she makes every year for the grand children. This year she made snowmen and women ornaments out of plastic mesh and yarn. She asked that we wait until Christmas to give them to the children, that was a very heart felt moment and we knew she was there celebrating this glorious holiday with us.

We enjoy a delicious meal of soups and rolls with hot fudge brownie sundaes, we sang Christmas songs and a family friend who dresses as Santa brings gifts for all the children (supplied by Santa's helpers...of course). We purchase small gifts, just a couple of dollars each and give to each family. This year my favorite gift was by David's brother Kerry and his wife, Irene. It is a snowman made out of wood and painted. It is holding a wreath in his stick hand and has a picture of Grandma Gloria in its center. Painted across the front is 'A Family is Forever because Love never Melts.' What a beautiful, sentimental gift...thank you, Kerry and Irene.

And no Thomas Family party would be complete without the a little basketball, kids playing and chitter chatter.

Treasured Moments!

Taylans trip to Primary!

Now we would think primary is a fun place to be on Sunday....not for us! We are talking about Primary Children's Hospital. On Monday, Taylan was outside for recess playing basketball, he went in for a lay-up, lost his footing and slammed his head into the basketball pole. He apparently told his substitute teacher about the incident, who told him to 'just lay your head down.' OK...what kind of moron does not understand the seriousness of a head injury!!!!! Taylan did not tell me about it and the next morning Taylan complained of a headache and blurry vision. I called his pediatrician and they told me to go immediately to PCH. We checked in and after 5 people interviewed him and the resident MD consulted his attending he was sent to get a C/T. Taylan now has a picture of his brain! Luckily, nothing looked abnormal. We were advised to keep an eye on his pupil dilation, vomiting and increase in head pain. He has been recovering well, we appreciate every ones well wishes and prayers in his behave!

Monday, December 1, 2008


I am hopping all our friends and family enjoyed their Thanksgiving weekend.

David had requested I make homemade pies for Thanksgiving this year. It was a tradition of his mother. I was reluctant at first, but after flipping through my Betty Crocker Cookbook, I felt it was a task I could take on. So, I planned on baking on the morning of since we had no plans.....I got sick on Wednesday, I had not shopped for the ingredients and David had to work. I woke up on Thursday feeling a little better and David wanted to take me and the kids out for breakfast. He asked if I was feeling well enough to bake pies with his help, so we went to Walmart to pick up the ingredients that I did not have at home. Of coarse, most of the ingredients we were looking for were out, so we found other options. They did have Pumpkin filling, so we were good there. We found a banana cream pie kit by the bananas and an apple crisp kit in the produce.....score! We came home and started on the pies, David and Taylan baked the pumpkin and I assisted the girls with the banana cream. Once the pumpkin was baked I did the apple crisp.

We watched the Dallas Cowboys football game...they won. We had dinner at my mom's apartment and enjoyed a nice feast with all the goodies.