Sunday, January 31, 2010

We're Off TRACK!?!?

My girls and the boys I babysit for are off track this week! We haven't done a lot of out of the house things, but we tried to stay busy in doors. Tents were built, games were played, tickle wars were held!

We set down and talked about our FAMILY RESOLUTIONS for this new year. One of the things was adding more family time so Taylan introduced our family to game nights a couple of weeks ago and the fun continued on Sunday, we played Monopoly 2000! Another was to be more organized and clean, which is mostly going to be up to me, but I really think the kids are wanting to help. They are willing to clean up and set the table and clear the table and sweep the floor after every meal now!

We missed FHE this week, which I am sad about! We have been doing REALLY well, but we had a crazy day and it just didn't happen!

Cookie sales continue and the girls meet their goal of 250, which gets them to the cookie party. They get Girl Scout credits $10 for every 50 sold! Both girls wanted to do more, but getting out there with little ones was not as easy as I had hoped! Thanks to EVERY one who bought 1 or 26 boxes, my girls appreciate your support!

No NEW news on the house and water damage. We are waiting for the insurance company to return our calls. We need to get a roofer out here to evaluate the damage before we can continue.

I have started back to work at LHM Honda. I placed a bug in my friend and former co-worker's ear several months ago that I may be at a point where I wanted (and let's face it...needed$$$) to return to work. If something was to come about where a position opened up to think of me first. She talked to me 2 weeks ago and said they were looking to completely start a new with the receptionist positions. I told her 2-3 days a week would work out for I am now working Tu nights and Sats. I LOVED my first day back! I felt so appreciated and the new management was very impressed with my work ethic...pat myself on the back!

1 comment:

Amy said...

You are one busy lady - I don't know how all you amazing women can do it all. Be great moms, work and support husbands so well, serve so faithfully in the church, etc. Glad you are enjoying it so far.